Location, location, location

23 September 2008

Just when we thought we had things well underway, the first glitch came in our plans.

We had originally planned to have the ceremony and reception at our church. However, they added a Saturday service.

Saturday church = no Saturday weddings :-(

So ... the search is on for the perfect spot.

A few ideas we've tossed around:

Tibbets Opera House in Coldwater, Michigan
Sherman Lake YMCA Outdoor Center in Augusta, Michigan
my parents' backyard
Leila Arboretum

just to name a few....

Does anyone have a stroke of genius for us?


Michelle said...

Back yard weddings can be just as expensive as renting a location. If is money savings you are after, be sure to include everything when you crunch the numbers! Dan and I looked into having our wedding at his grandparents house and once we did the pricing, it turned out to be much less expensive to rent a location, not to mention much less work. Just something to keep in mind!

I hope everything is going well for you guys and you don't have too many more road blocks!

Faith said...

If you are thinking about an outdoor wedding and open ideas from anywhere in Michigan, check out Hidden Lakes Gardens in
Tipton. Its absolutely beautiful.

