As most of you know, I dabble in photography in addition to my job at the newspaper. My passion with photography began in third grade when my parents bought me a little Ninja Turtles camera that used 110 film. My love for the art bloomed and has been a part of my life ever since.
I scored an internship in college with Jeff Bennett in the marketing department at Rochester College. He also began inviting me along to shoot weddings with him on the weekends, and even recommended me to other wedding photographer friends. He taught me pretty much everything I know.
Jeff was my first (and only) pick for a wedding photography. However, due to scheduling conflicts, Jeff is unable to shoot my wedding. The day I found I definitely cried. I'm such a nerdy girl.
So, Jake and I set out on the search for a wedding photographer and came across this guy:
Oliver Howell You don't realize how many over-priced photographic hacks there are out there until you start searching. Having photographed a few weddings myself, I know how much work goes into the job and what a fair price is for the product and services. Oliver was the only photographer who really interested me and fit all my criteria.
This is the photo that first caught my eye on his website
Oliver is a student at Michigan State University and a talented photographer. He shoots with Nikon equipment (which I've forgiven him for as I am a Canon girl) and really produces some great art. I appreciate his approach to photography: Not only does he take nice photos, he documents moments that will never happen again ... and all with an artistic eye.
Jake and I are not fans of most traditional wedding things. Photography is no exception. Most people these days have their wedding portraits taken outside in a nice garden or by a fountain or something else like that. Jake and I want to break out of the box. We thought it would be interesting to have wedding photos taken in a few of these places (photos taken by Amy Napier): When we described our desire for "out of the box" wedding photos, Oliver said he was excited for the chance to flex his artistic muscle, as most couples want to stick with simple outdoor-sie venues. Granted, Jake and I will still take a few posed photos in a nice outdoor location with our families. But, we're definitely going to take the wedding party and have some fun creating awesome one-of-a-kind photographic art.
We think the classy look of wedding attire juxtaposed with the hard lines and dinginess of the city will create eye-catching wedding photos unique to us and our relationship.
We're planning on taking Oliver and our wedding party to downtown Battle Creek for the photos. There are so many hidden gems as far as photographic opportunities are concerned. I didn't realize how great the architecture and accidental art was until I did Caleb Sunnock's senior pictures there this past August.
I'm excited to see what Oliver can do given the chance to create without boundaries.
To learn more about Oliver and his art, please visit:
Oliver's photography website
Oliver's blog
Your one-stop blog for everything Jake and Amy
Say cheese!: Wedding photographer search a success
30 September 2008
Posted by Amy at 12:29 PM 0 comments
When and Where
29 September 2008
I've had quite a few of you ask me about the date and place for our wedding.
The truth is .... we're not sure yet.
We originally planned to have it on Saturday, 1 August 2009 at our church, Victory Life Church, in Battle Creek. However, our church added a Saturday evening service which means no Saturday weddings. :-(
So now, we're in the midst of figuring out what we're going to do. We have a few ideas up our sleeve. I'll keep you posted on what develops.
Posted by Amy at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: wedding, wedding date
Date Night no. 4
About a month ago, Jake and I decided our lives were becoming so busy we needed to initiate "Date Night," so we're sure to make time for each other. It was one of the best decisions we've made :-)
The first date night, Jake gave me my engagement ring and officially asked me to marry him. We try not to measure everything against that. :-)
Anywho ... Friday night was our fourth date night and I took lots of photos. Just thought I'd post a few for those of you who haven't seen us in a while.
We picked up some chinese food and had a picnic at the fountain in Marshall. Doesn't he look so classy smoking his pipe?
We finished off the evening by getting some yummy hand-dipped ice cream - Jake chose mint chocolate chip and I indulged in pumpkin pie flavored, both in waffle cones - and walked around downtown Marshall.
I love date night, and I love Jake for suggesting it. There are a million things I love about him. So many of you haven't had a chance to meet him yet and I look forward to the day when you do. You'll love him. Aside from being just the darn cutest fiancé ever (as is evident in the photos) he's one of the most noble, trustworthy, well-rounded and intelligent men I've ever know.
I am so completely blessed to be his future wife.
Posted by Amy at 5:19 AM 0 comments
A Work in Progress
25 September 2008
Hey guys ... I'm working on getting this blog to look rockin'. Bear with me as I have no idea what I'm doing.
If anyone is really great at html stuff and putting new skins on blogs, I would totally love your help.
The Bride
P.S. I'm sitting in my office and there's a stop light just outside my window. A big Dodge Ram truck just pulled up to the light and on its Ram hood ornament was a Barbie strapped to the Ram like she was riding it.
Can anyone say phallic inferiority complex??
Posted by Amy at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Let them eat cake!
24 September 2008
Attending a Christian college, I witnessed (and was involved in) quite a few weddings. And, being a girl who loves to plan events, I started making a mental list of do's and don'ts for my own wedding.
One thing I new I wanted was a tower of cupcakes rather than a traditional tiered wedding cake. Cupcakes ad a youthful and playful aspect to a wedding. Plus, it's less clean-up.
Luckily for Jake and I, cupcakes also turned out to be the cheaper route.
Meet our cake artist ....
Courtney Clark
owner and chef of Cake Nouveau in Ann Arbor, Michigan
Jake and I first stumbled into Cake Nouveau back in March completely by accident. Adrienne Johnston was up visiting and we decided to show her around one or our favorite Michigan spots, Ann Arbor. After a lovely cuppa coffee at Cafe Verdé, we walked to our vegetarian dinner destination, Seva.
On the way, we passed a funky little bakery that was selling St. Patrick's Day cupcakes, featuring Guiness flavored icing. We walked in the shop and I immediately fell in love with the place! It was colorful and fun and totally artsy. Then I noticed photos of the chef, Courtney, with Mark Summers from Food Network. Upon inquiry, we learned Courtney had competed in a few Food Network cake challenges. Rock out!
Jake and I didn't even think about having our cupcakes made by Courtney, assuming it would be way out of our budget. However, lucky for us, Cake Nouveau offers mini cupcakes! Score!
We will be serving mini cupcakes at the reception in up to six different flavors. We haven't decided on the final flavor palatte yet, but it may include:
• Key lime
• Brazilian espresso
• Chai
• Mango lemonade
• Chocolate mimosa
We love Courtney and her crew because they're creative and cool and very down-to-earth. When we met with Courtney to taste her work, she talked to us like we were old friends and our conversation ranged from music to movies to food. And one of the best things: Courtney and her husband served mini cupcakes at their wedding as well.
For more Cake Nouveau greatness, visit
Posted by Amy at 8:41 AM 3 comments
Labels: ann arbor, cake, cake nouveau, cupcake, food network, wedding, wedding cake
Location, location, location
23 September 2008
Just when we thought we had things well underway, the first glitch came in our plans.
We had originally planned to have the ceremony and reception at our church. However, they added a Saturday service.
Saturday church = no Saturday weddings :-(
So ... the search is on for the perfect spot.
A few ideas we've tossed around:
Tibbets Opera House in Coldwater, Michigan
Sherman Lake YMCA Outdoor Center in Augusta, Michigan
my parents' backyard
Leila Arboretum
just to name a few....
Does anyone have a stroke of genius for us?
Posted by Amy at 1:19 PM 2 comments
Amy and Jake: The Wedding
16 September 2008
We have the ring. We have the date. We even have the photographer and cake artist.
That's right, everything is falling into place for the event of the year ... Jake and Amy's wedding :-)
Thanks for visiting our wedding blog! This is your one-stop-shop for up-to-date wedding plans and ideas. Stay tuned for more info.
The Bride :-)
Posted by Amy at 7:56 AM 1 comments